31 – Enterprise Architecture – LU4

#begin Learning Unit (LU) 4 required us to read yet another four research papers. LU 4 is all about aligning EA with the existing management practices guiding a company’s strategic and organizational development. Key takeaways are that EA has two crucial roles; 1) EA...

30 – Enterprise Architecture – LU3

#begin   Learning Unit (LU) 3 required us to read another four research papers. LU 3 dives deep into EA maturity models which are instruments to measure and govern the degree to which EA is used in an organization and how to build (dynamic) capabilities....

29 – A year of blogging, let’s review.

#begin Over a year has gone by ever since I started this blog. I can’t believe time flew by this fast. I think the monotone covid issues just make every single day feel the same, and thus you don’t notice time flying by. But let’s stop talking about...