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Better Resources

Better Resources is a library that offers a better API to interact with Unity3D resources. Most notably, it extends the existing Resources with the capability to query all resource paths in your project and imported packages, both at design-and-run-time!

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Howl is a library to serve as a core module for embedded scripting languages in Unity3D. It’s main goal is to take care of interopability, script loading and dependency injection. Currently the focus in on LUA, but it would be really interesting to add support for LISP or Clojure in the future. Combining Unity3D and LISP would be the greatest thing ever 😛

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SjwagMeister is a library made for Unity3D to generate Open API (version 3.0.0 and up) clients. The goal of this project was to simplify and mostly increase the joy of implementing WebClients. There are both official and unofficial tools that generate clients for OpenApi but they use CLI tooling and often generate code that’s incompatible with Unity3D. So I decided to write my own generator for Unity3D, which has become SjwagMeister.

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Wizard is a library made for Unity3D to create Windows installer setups, based on InnoSetup. With Wizard you can configure settings for InnoSetup straight in your Unity3D editor and compile a setup wizard for all your windows applications. You are able to compile setup files manually from you editor and through commandline arguments if you are running some sort of build pipeline.

Never again will you deliver clumsy .zip archives to your customers!

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Have you ever wanted to play Pac-Man in a Unity3D Editor window? No, me neither!
Yet I needed to write this pointless satirical plugin because the Unity3D editor scripting “framework” relies on an Update based loop. I think it is pointless for the Unity3D editor itself and it should have a nice event based system. So, enjoy playing PointlessMan straight in your editor!

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An Unofficial LastPass Plugin for Unity3D. It supports Linux, Windows, Mac Standalone and Editor plus Android and iOS (Experimental).

This is a LastPass plugin for Unity3D. With this library you can easily use LastPass for logging in to your accounts. It is integrated in the Unity3D editor and it is usable at run-time on Windows, Linux and MacOS. It is also available for Android and iOS where iOS is experimental since I cannot build or test it :D.

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The Discourje project aims to help programmers cope with channels and concurrency bugs in Clojure programs (that use core.async), based on dynamic analysis. The idea is that programmers write not only implementations of communication protocols in their Clojure programs, but also specifications. Discourje then offers a run-time verification library to ensure that channel actions in implementations are safe relative to specifications.

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This links to a page that lists some of the (small) random projects I wrote.

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