74 – Two Years of Blogging

#begin Today I want to acknowledge that this blog is up just slightly over 2 years now. Hurray… I want to take a look back on the blogs I wrote and lessons learned. So let’s take a look:   Enterprise Architecture When I look back in the archives I see...

29 – A year of blogging, let’s review.

#begin Over a year has gone by ever since I started this blog. I can’t believe time flew by this fast. I think the monotone covid issues just make every single day feel the same, and thus you don’t notice time flying by. But let’s stop talking about...

26 – Back to school, again…

#begin   A couple of weeks ago, during my performance interview, I got asked if I had done any studies or got some new certifications or diploma’s. Education and studying is a big part of Dephion and I really like that. I told the person that was...