A summary of all posts that conclude my review of the book Clean Code, By Robert C. Martin.

51 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 13

#begin Today we are going to continue with another chapter of the Clean Code book by Uncle Bob; Concurrency. I can remember in the very first blog that I said I was not sure if I was going to spend time on this chapter but I think I’ll do it anyway. For multiple...

50 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 12

#begin Today we are going to continue with the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Uncle Bob. So this next chapter is a short one, it’s only 5 pages long and it’s about Emergence, whatever that means right? The chapter starts of with a section called: Getting clean...

49 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 11

#begin Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Uncle Bob. In the previous blogs of this series we discussed the first 10 chapters of the book. Next we will look at chapter 11: Systems. Now this chapter is a bit more high level than all...

48 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 10

#begin So here we are again in another entry of the Clean Code series. We have talked about why we need clean code, why it’s such an important concept to go by. We’ve talked about meaningful names. How you should name classes, variables and functions. We’ve also...

46 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 8

#begin  Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. In the previous blogs of this series we discussed the first 7 chapters of the book. Yeah we have come pretty far already. If you have not read them, don't forget to...

45 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 7

#begin  In the previous six blogs about clean code we checked out the first six chapters of the clean code book by Robert C. Martin aka. Uncle Bob. If you have not read them yet; Get back there and read them! In the mean time, the rest of us are going to continue...

44 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 6

#begin In the first couple of blogs about clean code we dove into the first five chapters of the book. We talked about what clean code is, why it is important and why we should strive to keep the code clean and always improving. Then we jumped immediately into chapter...

43 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 5

#begin Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. In the previous blogs of this series we discussed the first four chapters of the book. We discussed the background, meaningful names, functions, and comments. The next...

42 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 4

#begin Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. In the previous blogs of this series we discussed the first two chapters of the book. So let’s dive straight in and continue with the fourth chapter in the book –...

41 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 3

#begin Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. In the previous blogs of this series we discussed the first two chapters of the book. The next chapter dives deep into functions. Functions are a very important concept...

40 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 2

#begin Today we are going to look at the next chapter of the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. In the previous blog entry of this series we discussed the first chapter of the book which is mainly about why this book is important, what clean code is, and what bad...

39 – Review: Clean Code, Chapter 1

#begin Finally! Writing a new blog and in this case a book review. This time it is about Clean Code by Uncle Bob Martin. This book has made a big impact on many people, me included. The book gets recommended a lot to many developers ranged from juniors to seniors and...