Review: Udemy Courses

Review: Udemy Courses

Some reviews and lessons learned from Udemy courses I did. 85 ā€“ Udemy Part 7: Docker for the Absolute Beginner – Hands On – DevOps by Ruben Hamers | Jan 25, 2023 | Udemy#begin Quite some time ago I checked out this very short course on Docker. Iā€™m using...
Review: A Philosophy of Software Design

Review: A Philosophy of Software Design

A summary of all posts that conclude my review of the book a Philosophy of Software Design by prof. John Ousterhout. 71 ā€“ Review: A Philosophy of Software Design, Conclusion by Ruben Hamers | Sep 21, 2022 | A Philosophy of Software Design, Reviews, Unity3D#begin So...
SOLID Series

SOLID Series

A summary of all posts that conclude my deep dive into the SOLID principles originally coined by Uncle Bob. 14 ā€“ SOLID Part 5: The Dependency Inversion Principle by Ruben Hamers | Mar 10, 2021 | SOLID#begin This is the fifth and last blog in the series about the SOLID...