30 – Enterprise Architecture – LU3

#begin   Learning Unit (LU) 3 required us to read another four research papers. LU 3 dives deep into EA maturity models which are instruments to measure and govern the degree to which EA is used in an organization and how to build (dynamic) capabilities....

28 – Enterprise Architecture – LU2

#begin For Learning Unit (LU) 2 we again needed to read four research articles. LU2 is all about how to properly align Enterprise Architecture (EA) with senior management. It appears from the research that having C-level executives involved in the process is very...

27 – Enterprise Architecture – LU1

#begin   So for the Enterprise Architecture (EA) course I’m doing now we need to read a lot of scientific literature. This first learning unit (LU) is all about what EA actually means and why it is necessary for organizations to do EA. There are many...

24 – OOSE: Chapter 12 – Testing

#begin Next I want to discuss the chapter about testing (chapter 12). I’m a fan of applying TDD where it makes sense and adds value. This chapter is not about TDD but it is still very interesting to read how they viewed testing and made it a core activity within...